Best Care Dry Cleaners

Fabricare Canada profiles Best Care Dry Cleaners

Best Care Dry Cleaners in Fabricare Canada
Click here to download our profile in Fabricare Canada! Cover photo by Artistic Impressions.
Best Care Dry Cleaners was recently profiled in Fabricare Canada, a bi-monthly publication for the international textile care industry.

In “Passion Worth Passing On”, readers can learn more about the history of Best Care as the transition from Tony Lo Scerbo to Lisa Hiebert is detailed in the new edition.

Below is an excerpt from the publication. To read the full article, click on the magazine cover image to the left or download it by clicking here.


In 1994, Tony Lo Scerbo’s daughter Lisa, 19 at the time and a part-time employee at his dry cleaning store, asked her dad if he’d one day consider selling her the family business. He gave her some solid advice, and it didn’t fall on deaf ears.

It Just Kind of Grows On You

Lisa began her career as a Best Care kid before she could even walk, and once she finally mastered that, she settled into the daily routine of toddling around the call office, pretend-waiting on customers. Over the years, Lisa ventured further into the depths of the dry cleaning plant to watch, mimic and learn from her parents and their staff.

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