There’s a good chance you could probably get out many stains yourself, with enough time and special products to help you. Maybe. And you can iron a shirt with the best of them. The question is not whether you have the ability to handle the requirements of your wardrobe — the question is, don’t you have anything better to do???
Your professional garment care specialist is just that: a specialist in caring for fabrics and fibers. What does he/she have that you don’t?
- Years of successful experience in removing specific stain types from specific fibers.
- Expensive (i.e., highly calibrated and specially computerized) equipment to deal with every kind of fabric you are likely to bring in, and the knowledge to use it properly.
- Professional grade solutions, spotting chemicals, and detergents to be both gentle and effective on garments in specific combinations.
- Excellent finishing equipment that gives your garments that “just back from the dry cleaner” pressed look, and helps you make the best impression.
Perhaps the real question to ask is, why would you want to take it anywhere else?