At Best Care Dry Cleaners: We recommend that consumers purchase garments with care labels attached.

What are the Care Labelling Symbols?
The Canadian Care Labelling Program uses five basic symbols in three different colours. The colours of a traffic light (red, yellow and green) are used to signify the same ideas: red for “stop”, yellow for “use caution”, and green for “go”.
Canada’s Care Labelling Program
Care labels supply valuable information to you and your dry cleaner. They help to ensure proper cleaning and finishing of your garments. It is important for consumers to realize that care labels are not required by law in Canada. The Canadian Care Labelling Program is a voluntary system of providing garment care instructions through the use of simple symbols. Though the law doesn’t require a label, if a label is present, it is required to be accurate.
Although the program is voluntary, most reputable garment manufacturers will include care labels on their clothing. However, be aware that if you purchase an item without a care label, the manufacturer has no liability for any damage that may occur when cleaning.
When manufacturers use the Care Labelling System they must: ensure that the label is capable of withstanding the recommended care procedures and remains legible and firmly attached for at least ten cleanings or throughout the life of the garment. Indicate at least one method of garment care, but they may, if they choose, provide additional care instructions. Be sure that the care procedure described works for all areas of the garment including trim, lace, buttons, beads, etc.
How do I decide?
If you are not sure whether it’s safe to attempt cleaning at home, trust the garment care professionals at Best Care.