Best Care Dry Cleaners

Be Your Director of First Impressions with Best Care

First impressions are so, so critical. Most strangers can evaluate you 6 seconds into an initial meeting. Most often, they make a decision about you based on your appearance, so it follows that the particular garments you wear and the condition of those garments can affect the manner in which others interpret your chosen “look”.

How many times have you seen someone for the first time and his/her suit was rumpled or soiled? You may have judged them in a negative way. Have you ever interviewed an eager, prospective employee who wore a shirt with visible stains? Were you tempted to judge his or her attitude unfavourably as a result?

Now we’re not saying that you can’t look sharp & put together in a T-shirt and jeans, but there is a huge difference between “rumpled just out of the dryer” and “professionally cleaned & pressed.”  It is important to acknowledge that clothing and personal appearance is a form of communication. Once the assumption about you has been made, it is very difficult to alter.

This is what sets Best Care Dry Cleaners apart – we treat your clothing like it is that integral part of your first impression. When your clothes are clean, pressed, buttoned up and well-fitted, you convey that you are a professional who pays attention to details.

To learn more about the special care we give to your clothing, (especially for those garments that need special attention), click here.

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