At Best Care we are constantly striving to use technology to save you time, improve quality and create a happy customer experience for you! We are excited to share a couple of new features. Our customers tell us they love the Order Ready Notifications that we send by email. Just in case you’re behind on emails – We have implemented a text (SMS) version of this notification. Sometimes we are ahead of schedule with your garments. How convenient would it be to get notified the moment your items are completed, and you just happen to be in the area?
Are you an early bird or working late? We’ve installed 24 Hour Drop Doors at both Locations: 998 Main St and 1290 Kenaston Blvd. The Yellow bag (Dry Cleaning) and the Blue bag (Laundry) are provided for free. Fill the bag and drop off anytime day or night! Leave us a note inside with any special instructions, like needed repairs. We will process most items within 3 days. You’ll get an email order ready notification when items are completed or you can request free delivery.